Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Creativity 2.0

Sunday evening I came down with a terrible sore throat. Monday morning I woke to an additional fever and congested nose - clear signs this was not going to be a good work week.

After my job interview (see previous post) I had to throw in the towel and head to the pharmacy. And yes, I rocked my job interview with a feverish sweat and a voice that was barely audible. How? I have no idea. I digress.

My trusty best friend, who is conveniently a pharmacy student, recommended the Sudafed in a red box that they keep behind the counter. I am forever grateful to her. Not only for its healing powers, but for its ability to unlock my creativity.

Having neglected the fact that I had taken Sudafed, I settled onto my couch to get some work done now that I wasn't risking the health of my entire office. Thirty minutes later I was incredibly frustrated with the state of the brochure I was working on - my first project for my new job.

Forty-five minutes later the Sudafed kicked in. Suddenly feeling relaxed and quite loopy, I kicked that brochure's ass. It was some of my best work. So that got me thinking - perhaps all the other artists are right, maybe drugs do unlock your mind.

I'm such an incredibly structured person that it is hard for me to be creative. But you better believe that with a glass of wine in my system, or a dose of Sudafed apparently, my structure falls by the wayside and my inner artist takes over.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not going to start doing recreational drugs just to achieve optimal work, but I will be utilizing the power of a glass of wine.

The American Heart Association recognizes the goodness of wine for heart health and now I will be recognizing the goodness of wine for my creative health.

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