Thursday, July 28, 2011

Blogging for Inspiration

Since I entered graduate school a year ago I've met some amazing people, all from different backgrounds and all with their own story. One of the women I met has become particularly inspiring to me.

She and I began blogging at the same time (as a class assignment) and even though that class ended long ago, I have developed an addiction to reading her blog. I fiend for more information and get the shakes if there is any length of time between posts.

Her blog touches my soul in a very strange way and I think it is because we share a lot of similarities. She told me once that she was sure we were sisters separated at birth. I concur.

The stories she tells focus on the trials and tribulations of her life, which are extremely powerful in and of themselves. Add to that her fluid writing style and it's easy to see why I'm addicted.

But the reason I'm inspired is because she writes the truth, no matter how embarrassing or difficult.

I'm struggling to do the same. There are so many events in my past that I would like to write about and honestly, it would probably help me develop some closure. There is just something therapeutic about seeing your past in writing, seeing those words glaring up at you. It forces you to come to terms with the situation at hand, for better or worse.

For some reason I just can't bring myself to air my dirty laundry because my issues and problems naturally involve other people. So in my mind, if I air my dirty laundry then I am airing theirs as well, and that's not my place.

Maybe one day I will get to a point where I can share very specific situations, but for now you're going to have to get back on minimal wit and maximum charm. You're welcome.

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