Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Single Memo

Here are the solid facts: I'm 23, I'm single and I'm happy.

So why do I always feel like everyone is trying to set me up? At the Fourth of July celebration I attended yesterday, there were no less than three eligible bachelors... and everyone made sure I was aware.

They were all very nice guys, each with their own great qualities. I wouldn't have minded going on a legitimate date with any one of them (one more so than the others, but that's irrelevant).

But the issue comes down to the fact that I'm the last of the women in my family generation to be single. It apparently makes people think I'm desperate, which I'm far from.

I would love to meet a nice guy - hell, I met three last night which is a good start - and have a nice, healthy relationship, but I'm past the stage where I want to force it to happen. I'm perfectly content with letting fate have the reins.

Apparently everyone else hasn't received the memo.

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